As I celebrate my 25th birthday today, we are also celebrating Adalynn's 25th week of life! "Keep cooking Sweetie, only 15 more weeks to go!" So, we're both 25 today, in a manner of speaking! Here's a shot of me today on my birthday, as you can see little Adalynn is growing! She should weigh about a pound and a half now and is around 13 1/2 inches long. I am still feeling fabulous and loving every second of this experience. We enjoyed lunch with the Dresser's yesterday and dinner with my family tonight to celebrate.
Jinx and I leave on Saturday to spend a week at the beach with some friends! And we can't wait! Jinx plans on fishing, golfing, and relaxing! While I plan on sleeping, reading, and sunbathing! It will be nice just to be away from work for a week and to have some down-time to spend together as a couple before we become 3!
After much pleading and begging on my part, Jinx agreed to taking Bradley birthing classes in preparation for our little one's arrival. Our classes start June 8. I am very excited about the class, and can't wait to learn what to expect and how to prepare for labor and birth. I'll keep you posted on the classes once we get started.