Saturday, February 19, 2011

So many firsts!

Adalynn turned 5 months old on the 15th and is growing and changing every single day. Our baby is getting big so quickly. She cut her first tooth last Tuesday, Jinx and I were ecstatic! Based on the constant finger gnawing and drooling we will likely see another tooth very soon. Adalynn is so full of personality and spunk these days, she keeps us entertained for hours on end. For the last 2 weeks she has been able to sit up on her own, which has meant many other changes as well. We retired the baby bathtub this week and she is now LOVING her big girl baths in the tub! And tonight at a restaurant she had her first high-chair experience. She isn't crawling yet, but can definitely get herself around by rolling or 'creeping' around on the floor. It's probably time to start baby-proofing everything around the house, she'll be truly mobile in no time.

Today we took our very first trip to the zoo. She did great and we really enjoyed getting to show her and tell her about the animals. Life with a little one is getting more and more fun everyday, now that she is more interactive and playful. We will probably start her on solid foods this week, and can't wait to see her reaction once we open up her taste palette to more than Mommy's milk.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

With the flu finally behind us, things are getting back to normal. Both Adalynn and Jinx are doing much better! We spent the weekend celebrating Jinx's 26th Birthday!! Mommy and Daddy took a much needed date night on Saturday for dinner at Brazeiro's! It was excellent, and we really enjoyed having some time alone for the first time in over 4 months. We resolved that we really should do that more often.

Adalynn is doing GREAT and growing like a weed! She will be 5 months old on the 15th, where does the time go? This weekend she began sitting up on her own without any assistance. She looks so big sitting up and playing with her toys! Her new favorite thing is to try and imitate us rolling our lips, it usually ends with her spitting all over the place but it is so cute to see her try and do what we do. She has also learned to give kisses(open mouth slobber all over our faces)! So sweet!:)

Friday, January 21, 2011


The dreaded flu bug attacked our family! Jinx started feeling bad early last week, which quickly turned into 'too sick to get off the couch' and he tested positive for the flu on Thursday. He was sick as a dog! It takes alot to get this man down, but the flu did the trick. He kept his distance from Adalynn as soon as he suspected he was coming down with something, but unfortunately it was too late. Monday morning Adalynn woke up fussy and feverish, so off the doctor we went. They tested her for both the flu and RSV. Sure enough she had the flu. There are few things more pitiful than a 4 month old battling the flu. :( Jinx and I are learning just how difficult it is to see your child suffer. Breaks our hearts! She is showing improvements daily and with lots of love, hugs, and kisses we pray she will get better soon!

On a happy note, Jinx is going back to school!! I am so proud of him for deciding to finish his degree. Tonight is the start of his first class. I know it will be hard for him to have to spend time away from us while he is in class and studying, but it will definitely be worth it in the long run. We are anxiously looking forward to a graduation in 2012.

Monday, January 17, 2011

We're back!!

It's been a while, I know...a long while, but the blog is back! :)

The last 4 months with our darling daughter have been nothing short of amazing! We have learned so much about her and about ourselves. You know the commercial that says, "A baby changes everything..."? Well, they are right! How selfish we were before, and now our entire world revolves around this precious little girl. We really enjoyed sharing our first Christmas together as a family, and look forward to all the other "first's" to come.

Adalynn is a GREAT baby! We are so very blessed! Don't get me wrong, she can really turn on the waterworks when she wants to. But in general she is a super happy baby! At her 4 month check-up today, she weighed in at 13lbs 6oz(50%) and is measuring 25.5inches(95%) long. Healthy as a horse! She hit a huge milestone last week with her first roll over from back to tummy! Now we can't get her to stop rolling! :) She'll be crawling in no time. Can't believe how fast she is growing! Some of her favorite things at the moment are: bathtime, giggles and tickling, watching football on the big screen, and bouncing(non-stop).

After 10 weeks of spending nearly every second of the day with Adalynn, I went back to work and had a really tough time with it.:( Thank goodness I am only working 3 days a week and she is with my Mom while I'm away. This makes it more bearable!

Here's a quick re-cap of the last 4 months in pictures (newest to oldest)