Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two Months till D-Day!!

<- Shower Pictures

My how time is flying! :) I can't believe we are only 2 short months away from meeting our precious little angel!!!!! According to the poll so far, most of you think she will be early which means less than 9 weeks from now! We are getting SO EXCITED!! Life has been busy as usual, which definitely helps to pass the time. We had another great shower on the 26th, which was thrown by my Aunts(Donna & Candy), Cousin(Heather), Sister(Stephanie), and Sister-in-Law (Andi). It was "Princess" themed and oh so cute! We got tons of great gifts, thanks everybody!!

I spent the next week wrapped up in Vacation Bible School at church. It was a huge success! We had around 250 participants! Then we packed up and headed to the lake for the long holiday weekend with the Dresser's. The annual Dresser Lake Trip is usually over Labor Day weekend, but since we'll be a little tied up around Labor Day we bumped the trip up to July 4th this year. We had a really good time and made it home right before the heat index made it's way back to the 100's. While at the lake we went to 'Fire on the Water', it's a big fireworks show over the lake. Jinx and I got so tickled feeling Adalynn jump around during the fireworks! :) She was going crazy!

As far as the pregnancy goes, so far so good! We go back to the doctor on Monday for a 2 week check-up. I can tell Adalynn has really grown alot lately. Her movements have changed from kicks and jabs to mostly twisting and turning. She also gets the hiccups at least once a day! :) I always email daddy during the day to let him know when she has the hiccups. Sometimes it's 3x a day! I am still feeling pretty good for the most part. Getting comfortable to sleep is a challenge and my stomach feels like it can't possibly stretch any farther, but I'm still enjoying every second. It is such a special thing and I want to savor every moment. Here are some pictures for comparison. On the left is a picture from 27 weeks and the one on the right was taken last night at 31 weeks. Crazy how much I've grown in 1 month!

Jinx and I will be taking a birthing class at the hospital this Saturday. I am really looking forward to it! I'll update again on Monday after the doctor's appointment. For now, I'll leave you with a sneak peek of the nursery:

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