Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 weeks to go...

Jinx and I had a fabulous weekend in Gatlinburg celebrating our 4th anniversary! We went to the Peddler, the Aquarium, and did lots of walking on the strip. It was very relaxing and nice to get away together one last time.

Our visit to the doctor yesterday was not nearly as exciting as last week. Adalynn is still doing great, but I did not make any progress from last Monday. :( I was really hoping to be another cm dilated. Oh well, she's the one picking her birthday so I'll just be patient and wait. I also found out that while I passed the gestational diabetes test, I tested positive for Group B Strep. This means I will have to be on IV antibiotics once I arrive at the hospital in labor, and we will be required to stay a full 48 hours after her birth. She will not require any antibiotics or special treatment, they will just want to keep an eye on her to make sure that she doesn't show any signs of having contracted the bacteria in birth. This bacteria is present in 10-40% of adult women, and has nothing to do with strep throat as many people assume. It does not cause any problems or symptoms for the carrier, but can be problematic for a baby if untreated. For more information on GBS, this website is full of information: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/groupbstrepinfection.html
Our next appointment is Monday at 8:20.

We finished our chilbirth class last night and will be taking a breastfeeding class tonight, then all of our schooling is done. :) I'm still feeling pretty good, just starting to tire out and having more trouble sleeping at night with my ginormous belly. Contractions are becoming even more common and stronger by the day as we are gearing up for labor. With only 3 weeks left, my emotions are a mix of nervous, anxious, excited, scared, happy, and everything in between. Can't wait for her BIRTH DAY though!

Finally, here are some nursery pictures:

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