For anyone who did not already know, this thing called "Morning Sickness" is only if you are one of the very lucky. It actually lasts all day long for the most part, and is most often (at least for me) not hugging the toilet but a constant feeling of dizzy discomfort. So, the "I'm feeling fabulous so far" part of our journey has ended, and the "I feel like I'm gonna be sick" part has begun. I'm not complaining, mind you, because they say "the more sick you are, the healthier the baby." Honestly, I think they tell you that just so it doesn't seem quite so unbearable. But I'll wear my sickness with a smile nonetheless. Thankfully I'm not alone in my sickness either, Jinx has had a few bouts of morning sickness, too!! Bless his heart, he's been a real champ about it! LOL!
Jinx is already busy making preparations for our little bundle of joy. He spent the weekend moving around furniture and cleaning out the closet in our soon-to-be nursery. He's gonna be a great DAD!!
For now we are anxiously awaiting our next appointment!! The suspense is killing us! We go back to see our baby on the 25th, can't wait!!
you know you've got my sympathy! I'm so excited for you about your appointment tomorrow! I'll pray all goes well and everything shows a super-healthy, beautiful baby!