Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We're having a baby!!

Here's how our baby news got its start last Wednesday, December 30, 2009:

I decided, upon getting up, that I would take a chance and take a pregnancy test. After seeing negative after negative for months and months, I was prepared for the let down to follow. So, I quickly took a test and laid it on the vanity to wait the suggested 3 minutes...but this time there is a very faint pink line. In disbelief I go ahead and jump in the shower. Giddy, smiling, and praying thanks to God I begin to think maybe I didn't read that right. I peek out of the shower, but the test is too far away to tell. I hurried the rest of my shower so I could get out and check just to make sure that I do indeed have a baby in there. I decide to take another test, the kind with words this time. Sure enough, "PREGNANT"!! Now I'm really shaking! I couldn't wait to tell Jinx! While he is ironing his work shirt in the spare room, I rush around trying to gather myself and the video camera all at the same time. I had ordered a shirt from the internet months earlier that reads "He shoots. He scores.", and hoped he would get the point. So I run into the spare room with video camera in tow and toss him the shirt, "Here, you should wear this today!". The expression on his face at that exact moment was priceless. I shouted, "We're pregnant!". Then there was crying(from me), hugging, and laughing. Awww...it was one of the happiest moments of my life!

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